Football.  Benjamin Collett, Sean Dougal and Peter Seiley are also leaving VRDR!

Football. Benjamin Collett, Sean Dougal and Peter Seiley are also leaving VRDR!

Rugby’s Roman Drum Rugby, who has relegated to National, continues to lose his vital strength. The Chessboard Club on its website this Wednesday thanked the front line players for their kind and sincere services during their stay in Drum.

If the prostitute leaves Roman Colliet (Vienne, F1), left column Julian Roer (Aurillac, Broad 2), right column Georgian Merian Bordolle (Montauban, Brod 2), second lines Flavian Vogat (Chatturinard, F1) and Teo Hanoiere (Castries, top 14) ), The third winger Yannis Bahraoui (Geneva, Switzerland), Vincent Barrière (Agde, F2) and more recently Willy N’Diaye (Rouen, ProD2) were already known, and three others not the least to be added to the list, in the same sector of play: these are the third winger For former Bionais Benjamin Collett (after one season in VRDR and 17 games) and Irishman Sean Dougal (who spent two seasons at the club, played 34 games and scored three attempts.), As well as New Zealand’s third grade center Peter Sailey (also spent two seasons in VRDR with playing 31 One match, two attempts were recorded).

These three new beginnings bring the number of these to 24 in total, for the time being, for six expatriates: the three-quarter Alaska Taufa center (Grenoble, ProD2), the opening Joris Moura (Vannes, ProD2), the half scrum Léopold Dupas (Valence d’Agen, F1) ), The third line Stephen David (Biarritz, ProD2) and Axel Bruchet (Aubenas-Vals, Nationale) and the second line of Espoir by Lyon Francis Rolland (20 years old) and five extensions (columns Kevin Goose, Sami Zuhair and Cyril Paloust, second row Florin Gomat and row Third and Commander Alexis Armari).

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