FIFA 22 on Xbox Game Pass?  Microsoft Store information is too old |  Xbox One

FIFA 22 on Xbox Game Pass? Microsoft Store information is too old | Xbox One

Football fans will be happy to know that FIFA 22 It should be available soon in EA Play and is therefore free to play for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members. The game was listed this morning as part of EA Play’s catalog, but it looks like the announcement was made too soon. We are updating this article.

[Mise à Jour 28/04/2022 à 22h06] When we published this article at 11:15 this morning, the Microsoft Store had already indicated that FIFA 22 had been included in the EA Play offering. And while we expected it to be available tonight, it isn’t. So we checked again and the Microsoft Store has been updated since no mention this morning. However, we find the game in the Game Pass app on PC, but the game does not seem to have integrated the catalog … another oddity in the Microsoft Store. Count on us to keep watching what happens.

Play FIFA 22 on Game Pass… Coming soon

A few days ago, FIFA 22 was talked about because it is one of the games “on display” in May for PlayStation + subscribers. Rest assured, Xbox players, the title should be playable pretty soon if you subscribe to EA Play or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

Two premium editions of FIFA 22 are available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S, so be sure to select the version compatible with your console. PC players will also be able to enjoy the game via PC Game Pass.

La technologie HyperMotion intègre des données de capture de mouvements collectifs et est dotée d’une intelligence évolutive qui dynamise chaque match de FIFA 22. Grâce à la puissance des consoles de nouvelle génération, la jouabilité devali entrée plusré plus Start. FIFA 22 introduces innovations in all game modes.

> Download the Xbox One version

READ  Discover an Easter egg on Xbox 20 years after console launch! | Xbox One

> Download Xbox Series X Edition | S.

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