Evening facts with pictures At La Grand’Combe, Puits de Science turns into an emotional elevator

Evening facts with pictures At La Grand’Combe, Puits de Science turns into an emotional elevator

The big show was held at Charbon Ardent, Puits de Science, at the end of a day that was as cold as usual. A representation of CirkVOST, all vertical, along the Ricard Well. The crowd waited but finally the road that passes under Ricard Well was largely filled. The story in pictures.

François Desmer

Cool, like the previous sixteen editions, the 17th edition of Charbon Ardent is placed under the flag. If the afternoon crowd seemed alarming, the evening filled the space in front of Ricard’s Well and the pavilion, at mealtime, awaiting the “Those Who Walk Upright” party.

Evening facts with pictures At La Grand’Combe, Puits de Science turns into an emotional elevator

Before the evening came with sound and lights, the National Agency for Urban Psychoanalysis had undertaken the heavy task of psychoanalyzing La Grand’Combe • François Desmer

Mayor of La Grand’Combe, Lawrence Baldet, began the evening by calling for awareness of science, in relation to the expected science well at the Ricard Well • François Desmer

Banzai Brass Band warm-up before the show starts François Desmer

The procession of fanfare, up to Ricard’s Well, attracted the public. François Desmer

Nearly 2,000 people to the sound and light of the Ricard Well • François Desmer

François Desmer

Mathematical formulas on geological remains • François Desmer

The show Puits de Science, presented by VOST Circus in partnership with Gratte-Ciel, defied the laws of gravity, with a fiery backdrop • François Desmer

François Desmer

François Desmer

At the end of the ropes, dancers with scientific accents • François Desmer

François Desmer

François Desmer

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