Amazon pays a record: Lord of the Rings costs € 388 million for just one season! – TV
We hope the coal will not burn in the Mount Dome fires! The largest company
We hope the coal will not burn in the Mount Dome fires! The largest company
Amazon: a multi-million dollar project! With this, the group outperforms streaming competitor Netflix Apr 18,
After Prince Philip’s death, the British royal family was not only grieving. Politicians and celebrities
For the first time since the start of the Corona pandemic, New Zealand plans to
The first numbers now show just how expensive Amazon’s promising The Lord of the Rings> 13. April 2021 – 13:25 hour The realm of the Greek gods meets the
The Central Bank of New Zealand claims to have been the target of a hacker
Filming the Lord of the Rings trilogy required a lot of actors. Stephen Urey also
After the long-haul scenery in the Caribbean had to worry about the whereabouts of their
How financial transactions affect the climate needs to become more transparent in the future. Photo: