Empty space! Galactic Gueuloir by Dominique Bonafini Salle des fêtes, September 27, 2022, Belbeuf.

Empty space! Galactic Gueuloir – Dominique Bonafini Tuesday, September 27, 8:30 p.m. Salle des fêtes
Free entry, reservation at the town hall
A free show is given as part of the Terres de Paroles Festival, the theme of “Reviving the Stars” with Dominique Bonavini, poet, troubadour, humorist, poet from Rouen.

Concert Hall Belbouf Belbouf 76240 Seine-Normandy

Empty space! Galactic Mouthpiece by Dominic Bonavini

Welcome to the mouthpiece of the galaxy. Celestine Quasar, returning from the last summit of the Front for the Liberation of Stars (FLE), informs us of the conclusions. The instructions are simple: “Free up space!”. Long live spatial decay! Enough of the colonial excesses of Elon Musk and others. Tales, songs, anecdotes, and other meteor words, all will be good to revive our inner stars. And so the universe will be preserved and will continue to make us dream. Feet on the ground and head in the stars. Note: This interstellar story is guaranteed without cosmic contraindications. No star will be abused during the session.
Co-production for Terres de Paroles Festival / Co-production Le Safran Collectif – Creation 2022
Duration: about an hour

Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour):
2022-09-27 T20:30:00 + 02:00
2022-09-27 T21:30:00 + 02:00