Emmanuel Macron will announce on Thursday the creation of a “Presidential Science Council”: what will it be used for?

President Emmanuel Macron will inaugurate a series dedicated to research and innovation on Thursday, December 7, inviting several hundred researchers to the Elysée.
The Head of State will establish a “Presidential Science Council” that will be responsible for advising him on all scientific and innovative topics.

A president surrounded by high-level scientists. Emmanuel Macron will gather several hundred researchers, Thursday, December 7, at the Elysee Palace “Laying the foundations for France’s research strategy in the coming years”The presidential palace noted. During this sequence, dedicated to research and innovation, the Head of State “We will exchange with all participants in the French research.”. He will remember the policy and “Huge Investment Dynamics” Since 2017 and “He will give them his vision for the future of research.” By tracking “The major challenges of 2030, or even beyond”.

On this occasion, on the same day, the President of the Republic will inaugurate the “Presidential Science Council”, which is a new body that will be formed alongside him, consisting of about ten researchers, which will advise him on scientific topics and help in studying them. In implementing public policies, according to the Elysee.

A “permanent” body consisting of 11 members

This body was created based on the models of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, which is responsible for advising the President of the United States on science and technology, and the Science and Technology Council, which directs the Prime Minister. In the UK about these same issues. This new council “permanent”This is reminiscent of the objectives of the Scientific Council, which supported the government during the management of the Covid-19 crisis “To help bring scientists and politicians closer together”explained L Figaro Computer science and mathematics researcher Claire Mathieu.

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The latter is one of the eleven scientists who will form this “Presidential Scientific Council.” According to the newspaper, this group will consist of 5 women and 6 men. Alongside Claire Mathieu, we will find the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics Jean Tirole; Professor Fabrice André, renowned oncologist and Director of Research at Gustave Roussy since 2020; Professor José Alan Sahel, Ophthalmologist; Researcher in microbiology at Inserm Aude Bernheim; Ecologist Sandra Lavorel; Mathematician Hugo Dominil Coppin won the Fields Medal; President of the Condorcet Campus since 2022, Pierre-Paul Zalieu; Historian Lucian Bailey. physicist Pascal Senelart; And the philosopher Claudine Tercellin.

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