Emmanuel Macron responds to criticism in a video and condemns “a lot of bad faith”

Emmanuel Macron responds to criticism in a video and condemns “a lot of bad faith”

The head of state said that he wanted to say “basically”, the crisis arrived “faster than expected”.

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“misunderstand me”. In a video posted on Tuesday, January 17, on his YouTube channel, Where he answers questions from the French about the environmentEmmanuel Macron reverted to the ruling during his wishes for 2023: Who could have predicted the climate crisis?. The release immediately caused a lot of criticism, which, among other things, upset scientists.

“They wanted me to say, basically, that I wasn’t going to read any of the IPCC’s reports. What did you simply want to say? I planned,” she said. Defend the president. “Even all those who have been warning for years about the collapse of biodiversity, about climate change said ‘Look, last summer, things are going faster than we expected. And we’re being affected more than we expected. I didn’t want to say anything else’.”is completed.

“I have a feeling there is still a lot of ill will.”He added, denouncing that we wanted “Cartoon in a message of denial.” It’s not a very credible attack.” “We’ve been doing this for years.” Finally petitioning the head of state, who nonetheless confirms Always Hear Criticism Naseeb said ‘pressure to do more’.

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