Elle Goulding shows off her baby bump, naked and just covered … in paint

Elle Goulding shows off her baby bump, naked and just covered … in paint

In an interview with the magazine, the pop star recounted how the cancellation of her “Brightest Blue” tour due to the pandemic turned into a blessing: “If I had gone on tour with the album, I wouldn’t get any chance. Pregnant … I mean and I’m going to be honest, the two don’t meet.” It takes some conditions to get pregnant. “

Golding, who kept her pregnancy a secret until the end of February, also reflected how she had never actually envisioned herself as a mom: “I never thought of myself as a woman / mother, I always tried to follow the picture of the pop star …”.

But now there’s a baby on the way and Ellie is happy to imagine herself as a mom too … But not only: “I’m excited about being a mom, but I also want to make sure I keep going. Round …”.

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