Elections in New Zealand, Ardern Opens Round of Parent’s Home: “So They Can Take Care of My Daughter”

Elections in New Zealand, Ardern Opens Round of Parent’s Home: “So They Can Take Care of My Daughter”

LONDON – She has already made headlines as one of the first world leaders to have a baby while in government. right Now Jacinda Ardern He opens the election campaign at his parents’ house to take his young daughter with him, and his father and mother will be babysitters. Another behavior that makes her beloved in New Zealand and also in the rest of the world for the normality she continues to drive despite her political commitments.

The New Zealand prime minister undertook the first phase of the election campaign scheduled for next month, which was postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, in the rural city of Morensville where she grew up and where her family still lives today. “I made my base here so my parents could help my husband Clark and I take care of Snow,” she wrote in an Instagram post. “It is the truth of the campaign,” he added, in a picture of her at work, sitting in a small office at home.

Ardern’s Labor Party leads in opinion polls, and unlike previous elections, it should win a majority sufficient to govern alone, not in coalition. New Zealanders will also vote in two referendums to legalize cannabis and euthanasia. If she is re-elected, and continues to be talked about as the mother of the prime minister in simple ways, “Jacindamania”, dubbed the boom in support for her five years ago, looks set to last, making her one of the planet’s most celebrated leaders.

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