Egypt: 4 dead and 500 scorpion stings after unprecedented rains in 11 years

Egypt: 4 dead and 500 scorpion stings after unprecedented rains in 11 years

Egypt under water. Since last weekend, heavy rain has fallen in the south of the country. in a “55 minutes” On the night of Friday 12 to Saturday 13 November, Eight million cubic meters of water. It fell on Aswan Governorate 650 km south of Cairo, according to the details of Governor Ashraf Attia. “It has been eleven years since we recorded such a quantity of rain and this is due to global climate change.”Khaled Qassem of the Ministry of Local Development said on Tuesday.

This severe weather episode left four dead. The Ministry of Health said that these people succumbed to the collapse of their homes under the pressure of rain and cold. In addition, 106 houses were washed away and more than 300 were partially damaged. It also deprives several areas of running water and electricity.

In addition, rain brought many scorpions and More than 500 people were stung.She announced the preservation of her Facebook page. In the comments, residents told each other Surrounded by scorpions and snakesSaying to worry Children and the elderly. The health authorities said that so far no deaths due to a scorpion sting have been recorded.

There are four or five species of scorpions in the Egyptian desert. Their bites can cause a high fever. The Aswan region is also home to a particularly threatened species, Androctonus crassicauda (“Arabian thick-tailed scorpion”). The website Gé recalls that the venom of this eight to ten centimeter spider consists of many toxins that can kill a person within an hour.

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