DZT won the gold medal in the multimedia competition “Golden City Gate”: Daily Ticket

DZT won the gold medal in the multimedia competition “Golden City Gate”: Daily Ticket

The German National Tourist Board (DZT) She is one of the winners of this year’s international cinematic multimedia award “Golden City Gate – Golden City Gate”, which was awarded for the 21st time during ITB Berlin NOW 2021. “I Dream” from the #DiscoverGermanyFromHome campaign won first place in the “Country national” category. “. The 32-member international jury was particularly impressed with the design mix of real photos and illustrations, who rated the contribution as particularly successful in portraying Germany as a travel destination.

Petra Headorfer, Chairman of GNTB Executive Board: “When the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic halted incoming tourism within a very short period of time, we created the sympathy campaign“ DiscoverGermanyFromHome ”in a few days and launched it worldwide. The campaign movie has so far achieved 32 million YouTube alone visibility – strong evidence of the huge impact we can have with our viral campaigns. ”

GNTB created the #DiscoverGermanyFromHome sympathy campaign, complete with images from previous GNTB productions. The aim was to enhance brand awareness for Germany as a closed travel destination through virtual experience formats and interactive displays.

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