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The results of the baccalaureate 2022. Who won the baccalaureate 2022? Find all lists of admissions to the baccalaureate by the Academy thanks to our search engine.

[Mis à jour le 5 juillet 2022 à 14h25] The candidates for the baccalaureate 2022 have already noticed their baccalaureate result: the academies have all published lists of those accepted and made the report card available to everyone. The internet user also puts the baccalaureate results 2022 online by academy, city and candidate.

To consult with them, the easiest way is to enter the name of the candidate directly into the search engine above, and filter by Academy: with one click, the results of the baccalaureate appear. It is also possible to refer to baccalaureate results by city or academy at the bottom of this page. When you get to the page dedicated to the results of the award winner, a cute virtual diploma appears, indicating the win. What we share in this important moment for everyone who won the baccalaureate 2022. To get the baccalaureate it is enough to have a mark equal to or greater than 10/20. Candidates with a score between 8 and 9.99/20 may take the Remedial Baccalaureate exams.

The results of the baccalaureate 2022 are less good than last year

The 2022 edition of the baccalaureate was very unique: for the first time since the introduction of the baccalaureate reform, in 2019, the general track examinations took place as planned, in full, with the majors, the major oral exam and the traditional philosophy exam. Therefore, all the results of the baccalaureate 2022 will be carefully examined: after two years of indulgence and giving in the midst of a health crisis, this year the correctors returned to the pre-pandemic standards of correction. In the past year, nearly 95% of candidates obtained their baccalaureate (91.4% prior to remedial exams)

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According to our first statistics on the results, which are still partial, the pass rate in the 2022 baccalaureate is estimated to be about 85% before the oral regularity (92% for the general baccalaureate, 84% for the technological baccalaureate and 80% for the professional baccalaureate. ). About 64% of the candidates had a male baccalaureate 2022.

The Minister of National Education, Bab Ndiaye, announced this morning, on the sidelines of a trip to a secondary school in Champaigne-sur-Marne, in the Val-de-Marne on Tuesday 5 July, that the first trends indicate a decrease from previous years. The minister stressed that “this is the real first year of baccalaureate reform that is not hampered by the health crisis,” adding in her comment: “It frustrates those who said that continuous monitoring will give extraordinary results. The new baccalaureate remains an ‘important examination’.”

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be careful ! The names of candidates who have failed in the first session or who have undergone re-application are only available on an individual basis. Each candidate must expressly authorize at the beginning of the year that his name be published in the list of admissions via a signed document, to appear in these results. The schools to which each candidate belongs are no longer announced by the ministry since 2012.

The results of the general baccalaureate, like the results of the technological baccalaureate, can be viewed on July 5, 2022 in the presentation center or on the official website. resultat.siec.education.fr. All baccalaureate results 2022 are also available on Linternaute thanks to our search engine and custom map.

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Each year, the results of the Bac Pro exam can be viewed at the display center indicated by inviting interested students, in which the date of publication of the results is also indicated. They also have the possibility to find out their results for free online at resultat.siec.education.fr. But anyway, they have to go to the deliberation center to view the results to get the text back, to keep it. Candidates for a professional baccalaureate degree may also have to collect this transcript from their training institution, if specified by the head of their institution.

The results of the expected exams for the French baccalaureate are announced In the first half of July. Their publication schedules are sometimes presented on the websites of different academies. Candidates can consult their results online on their Academy website by logging in with their personal ID. They also receive their transcripts by mail a few days later. For more information on this year’s French Baccalaureate, find Linternaute.com our special page dedicated to French Baccalaureate.

The services of the Ministry of National Education are divided into academies and the directorates gave the baccalaureate results in a somewhat odd way. Here are the dates for publishing the results of the baccalaureate 2022.

academy date of publication time after
Aix Marseille Tuesday 5 July 2022 8 am
Amen Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Orleans Tours Tuesday 5 July 2022 8:30 am
Besancon Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Bordeaux Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Clermont Ferrand Tuesday 5 July 2022 9 am
Corsica Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Creteil Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Dijon Tuesday 5 July 2022 9 am
Grenoble Tuesday 5 July 2022 9 am
Martinique Tuesday 5 July 2022 12 pm
night Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Limoges Tuesday 5 July 2022 9 am
Lions Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Montpellier Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Nancy Metz Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Nantes Tuesday 5 July 2022 9 am
cute – good Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Normandy – Caen – Rouen Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Paris Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Poitiers Tuesday 5 July 2022 9 am
Reims Tuesday 5 July 2022 8:30 am
reindeer Tuesday 5 July 2022 9 am
Strasbourg Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Toulouse Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
Versailles Tuesday 5 July 2022 10 am
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The results of the baccalaureate for the second group (which follow the therapeutic oral) are not presented in a single template on a specific date. It will be revealed ‘over the water’ during the catch-up session, which will take place from Wednesday 6 July to Friday 8 July 2022. It is often available in the afternoon of the same day as the oral exam.

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