Disney +: The streaming service will be much more expensive than February – Entertainment

Disney +: The streaming service will be much more expensive than February – Entertainment

In the future, customers will have to dig deeper into their pockets Photo: Walt Disney Company / Disney +

The Disney + streaming service will drive prices in the US as well as worldwide in the next year.

Disney announced a number of new series and movies, but this also needs funding. Both in the US and internationally – and thus also in Germany – prices for Disney + will in some cases rise dramatically in the coming year.

Customers will have to pay for it in the future

The group had initially announced that, as of March 26, 2021, a monthly subscription in the US would not cost $ 6.99, but rather $ 7.99. The annual price should accordingly go up from $ 69.99 to $ 79.99. Asked immediately in the news, Disney said: “The international price for Disney + as of February 23, 2021 is 8.99 € / month or 89.90 € / year.”

For German users, this means an even bigger price increase. The monthly subscription is currently 6.99 €. So far, the cost for the year is 69.99 euros. Existing customers don’t have to go deep into their pockets first. And she continues: “In Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, the price of existing subscribers will remain unchanged for six months. The new rates will only apply from August 23, 2021.”

The live streaming service Disney +, which launched in the US in November 2019 and in Germany at the end of March, now has 86.8 million subscribers worldwide, according to the group. Planned to appear over 100 new titles each year on Disney + alone. The collection has, among other things, a full range of Marvel and “star Wars”-Series announced.

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