Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab resigns on charges of moral harassment

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab resigns on charges of moral harassment

His decision followed the publication of an independent report proving that he did, in fact, morally harass civil servants. Dominic Raab, UK Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, announced his resignation on Friday 21 April.

I have requested this investigation and have vowed to resign if the facts of harassment, whatever they may be, are proven. I think it’s important to keep my word.”He wrote in his letter of resignation addressed directly to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, which he broadcast on Twitter.

This close friend of Rishi Sunak has written that he will continue to support the government. However, he criticizes the investigation against him, which according to him: “By setting the threshold for harassment so low, it sets a dangerous precedent for good government behavior.” “You will encourage false accusations against ministers and act as a deterrent to people who bring about change on behalf of your government and ultimately the British people.”he adds.

Another setback for Mr Sunak’s government

The report, which was submitted Thursday to the prime minister and has not yet been made public, All complaints were denied except for two.In his letter, the minister specifies the continuation of the sentence against them “bloomer”.

Dominic Raab has always denied the accusations, which have poisoned the government for months and sparked numerous criticisms from the opposition. Again on Thursday, Downing Street put his file on display “full confidence” In his vice with emphasis Study carefully the conclusions of the report..

He is the third minister to leave Mr. Al-Sinak’s government. Since he came to power in October 2022After various accusations, he adds a new stain on the prime minister’s promise to appear “Integrity, Professionalism and Responsibility” after a series of scandals during the reign of Boris Johnson.

In November, Gavin Williamson, the Ministerial Without Portfolio, resigned after accusations of harassment.

And in January, Rishi Sunak had to sack Conservative Party chairman Nadeem Zahawi, who was a member of the cabinet in that capacity, over tax disputes.

Read also: The material is reserved for our subscribers In the UK, Rishi Sunak is trying to regain control by reshuffling his cabinet

Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

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