À l’occasion de ses 20 ans, Futura s’associe à Corentin Colin, le créateur de contenus web vidéo, pour vous présenter la plus énorme des surprises que les équipes de votre média préféré vous réservent. © Futura

Corentin Colin tests the effects of space on our bodies

A birthday without surprises is not really a birthday. we agree ! This is why Futura is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The editorial staff has been preparing you for months, big surprise. To take you there gently, Corentin Colin gives us his talent. Today, for the fourth and final episode of this series of events, the video content creator for the web takes us into space. You will feel the effects deep inside your body.

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Thomas Pesquet will take command of the International Space Station during his second mission, which will launch on April 22, 2021! © Futura

We all dreamed of it space travel. No ? But if. You find yourself at the center of the vastness of the universe. Look at our land from above. Touch the land of another planet. And these days, it feels like a dream might come true. But you, Futura readers, no doubt realize that, from dream to reality, there are sometimes some painful steps to take. In this case, because space has effects on our bodies. The’Weightlessness, for example. It looks funny when you see astronauts Float on the International Space Station (ISS). But our muscles don’t like that. Not our bones.

Space exploration will be more dizzying. To face the universe, a little more…hot. That’s what Corentin Colin tells us in this new video. New, yes, because there were already three more before that. Video content creator for the webPassionate about science first encountered for artificial intelligence. Then we took at the speed of light. before we prepare for Good dishes from the future. This is for the stories he arranged specifically for Futura. But there are many others tik tok, employment Instagram or on Youtube.

A surprise in orbit

Wondering what Corentin Colin would do in Futura, then? Well, he brings his stone to the edifice of the sweet surprise that your favorite media prepares for you. Does this make you want? This is great, because you too can contribute in your own way. To learn more, just click Here.

Since you now have all the clues on hand, you should have a more accurate idea of ​​what this huge surprise could be. I cut short. Freshly printed paper. Four topics this question. Four themes to amaze. Four topics to think outside the box and move the world. That’s it, do you understand? Otherwise, go Here For the ultimate guide.

In order not to miss any news from Futura, follow us on social networks : tik tokAnd Instagram And Facebook social networking site.

And to discover the world of Corentin Colin, go to his account tik tok.

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