Consultation on the service referral process

Consultation on the service referral process

DSIHAnd Tuesday 24 August 2021 Be the first to react

Until September 19, the Agency for Numbers in Santé has opened a consultation on the process of referring to the digital services in the “My Health Space” catalog.

From the beginning of 2022, with My Health Space, every citizen will have access to a catalog of digital services beneficial to their health, free or not, developed by public or private actors. This catalog will be an organizational tool for the health sector and digital technology. Before referral requests open in the fall, consultations remain open until September 19. Digital health players are invited to contribute to setting standards and the referral process in order to build the function of the My Health Space of tomorrow and the health system as a whole. Two documents are published in consultation.

Full referral process

the first document It sets out the general rules applicable to referral to digital services in the My Health Space and sets out the relevant obligations of the various actors (Ministry, Cnam, ANS, GIE Sesam-Vitale, a service publisher or digital tool filter for reference or reference and any other stakeholder in the process referral). It states the publisher portal will not be available for first referral requests at the end of 2021. The document describes the application processing process, the various stages of eligibility for renewal as well as possible penalties:

  • Referral request
  • Request Accept ;
  • Application evaluation
  • Committee opinion and decision making;
  • Signing the reference agreement.
  • Attachment tests at Mon Espace Santé;
  • SEO.
  • monitoring reference services;
  • update reference services;
  • modify the referral program;
  • renewal of reference service;
  • User complaints and penalties.
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Referral criteria

The services to be referenced will meet safety, interoperability and ethical requirements (quality, accessibility, transparency, sustainable development, etc.), as established by the Ministry of Solidarity, Health Insurance and Health Insurance in collaboration with a working group[1]. Certain criteria are discriminatory. When applicable, they must respect the minimum specified in this document. Others are purely informative. It must be filled out, but the service can be referenced regardless of the response given.
The answers are provided on the Convergence tool and will be posted on the Mon Espace Santé institutional website. It has been determined that additional documents may be requested and that this is achieved in the aftermath Validity of this information will be carried out by sampling.

Access to reference standards in the consultation

[1] France Assos Santé, internal and external actors of the Digital Health Council “Ethics” working group, 30 publishers selected as part of the GIE Sesam-Vitale call for applications related to the Index of Services, the ANS, the HAS, the National Advisory Committee on Ethics and GIE Sesam-Vitale .


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