Compensation for victims of the volcanic eruption in 2019

Compensation for victims of the volcanic eruption in 2019

A New Zealand court ordered tourism agencies and managers of an island that witnessed a volcanic eruption in 2019 that killed 22 people, to pay compensation amounting to 5.6 million euros to the victims. Among the 25 survivors of the spectacular eruption, many suffered very serious burns.

Documents filed with the court show that travel agencies White Island Tours, Volcanic Air Safaris, Kahu New Zealand and Aerius, as well as the company that owns the island, Whakaari Management Ltd, failed to adequately ensure the safety of visitors to the island. The GNS Science Institute, which monitors volcanoes in New Zealand, was also fined.

Video footage shown in court showed people trying to escape from a huge cloud of volcanic ash, which quickly engulfed them. Some people say they were not warned in advance of the risks they faced. ” The safety information provided by travel companies to their customers was largely inadequate, failing to adequately inform customers about the dangers, risks and consequences of a volcanic eruption. An Oakland County Circuit Court judge said.

Physically, mentally and emotionally ” Shocked

The damage is A symbolic confession » Because of the suffering of the victims, according to the judge. The tour group was Physically, mentally and emotionally » He confirmed that they were psychologically traumatized by the eruption, and many of them still suffer from physical scars. Many survivors were severely burned by the burning gas and ash.

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