Com’Innov rents a new space for all your events!  Cernay

Com’Innov rents a new space for all your events! Cernay

Com’Innov is a start-up cinema communications and advertising agency based in Cernay that has just celebrated its 5th anniversary. With a dynamic and versatile team of 11 employees, the agency has already worked with over 200 companies in the region.

New generation communications agency!

ComInnov Team
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His strength? I suggest a A wide range of services (Video content creation, communications support, IUX, web design, etc.) as well as personal follow-up for each of her clients. The entire Com’Innov team strives to meet their needs to support these local companies in their communication campaigns and company development. In particular, the agency offers its clients the opportunity to conduct an audit to estimate their needs.

Hence, it is a single, dedicated point of contact that will support the client in all their projects. To make budget management easier, it is also possible to make monthly payments to the agency. Another strong point of Com’Innov: Cinema advertising management service. The agency thus offers the possibility of broadcasting advertisements on the big screen, before screenings in several partner cinemas, including the Ciné Croisière in Cernay.

Com\'Innov, communicate differently!Com’Innov, communicate differently!
© Dr

Space for rent for all occasions!

A new service was recently introduced by Com’Innov: 200 square meters area available for rentFor all corporate events. Seminars, team building, receptions, evenings, presentations or even corporate film screenings, everything is possible!

This large space is located in the Ciné Croisière building and has an independent entrance as well as a large terrace of 100 square metres. The beautifully equipped bar area, open to the room, allows you to offer something to eat (aperitif dinners, drinks, receptions, etc.).

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In short, there are many advantages to this new room for rent for organizing events – which has already attracted many companies in the area!

Com\'Innov, space for rent for all occasions!Com’Innov, space for rent for all occasions!
© Dr

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