Coin Firm pushes it forward after a Georgia man paid pennies

Coin Firm pushes it forward after a Georgia man paid pennies

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Marietta, Ja. (AFP) A global company has intervened to solve a Georgia man’s “dilemma”

He said the former employer of Andreas Flaten threw at least 90,000 pence into his driveway last month as a form of final payment for his work at an auto store.

When Bellevue, Coinstar, and Washington, DC, heard of their predicament, they decided that change was necessary.

They picked up the Flaten Coins on Thursday and rounded the amount to give him a $ 1000 check.

They also made donations to two charities of Flaten’s choice: Two Animal Shelters.

“Coinstar has been in the coin business for 30 years and processed nearly 41 billion coins annually – so getting 91,000 pence was all in a business day,” Coinstar CEO Jim Gaherity said in a statement.

Flaten said his former employer – A OK Walker Autoworks in Peachtree City – owed him $ 915 after he quit his job there in November.

He finally got his salary earlier this month in the form of thousands of pennies covered in oil or grease dumped at the end of his driveway in Fayetteville, Georgia. At the top of the heap: an envelope containing the final Flatten paychecks and an obscene farewell letter.

Flaten would spend an hour or two every night trying to clean the pennies he had stored in a rickshaw in his garage.

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Store owner, Miles Walker, told WGCL-TV that he doesn’t know whether or not he did drop the pennies at the Flaten home.

“I don’t really remember,” Walker said. “It doesn’t matter. He got paid, that’s all that matters.”

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