Chen’s message distribution

Chen’s message distribution

The chin . messagean object that allows access to the event ShaymanAvailable now via unknown gift ! Remember to get it back before it’s too late.

Collect Chen’s letter

to recover a file chin . messageYou just have to go to the menu unknown gift And ask for a gift Online. The chin . message It will then be in your bag. you have even Sunday March 27 at 3:59 pmParis time, to do the operation.

Get the Mystery Gift Option

Access the Shaimen event

After getting the file National Pokedexgo to the Road 224 Which can be accessed from a cave in the northeast of Victory Road. On this way, go to the northeast end until you come across Professor Chen Who is waiting for you there? Fill in the name of the person (or something else) you want to thank, and Grateful Pokemon

Will appear.

Follow Shaymin on the long road that will appear, the Heaven bloomsTo find yourself face to face with him.

Get Chaimen

Shaymen’s stats

Shaimen will be in Level 30You will own the attacks mentioned in one of the images below.

Shaymen’s Heavenly Shape

Finally, if you want to change the look of a file ShaymanYou just have to recover a file Honor by showing Shayman daughter Florafil.

Shayman’s shape change

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Posted in by EternalStay Editing: 02/27/2022 at 7:14 pm source: Pokemon Company

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