Charlie Ngatay into overtime

Charlie Ngatay into overtime

New Zealand International Center’s Charlie Ngatay is set to extend another season at LOU. Third streak from Bulls Arnaud Botha, expected to be in Lyon this summer.

Charlie Ngatai’s adventure in Lyon is not over yet. A few months ago, a possible departure from the International Center (31, pick one with the All Blacks in 2015 against Samoa) seemed imminent. The player, who arrived in 2018, was homesick and wanted to return to New Zealand.

Since then, the situation has improved a lot. Ngatay, who has made 15 appearances including 14 starting players since the start of the season, has regained his zest for life and a performance more in line with his stature. From now on, he sees himself residing in Lyon. According to information from RMC Sport, he should finally return to LOU for another season, until 2023. Discussions should conclude quickly.

Botha must join LOU

Rune district leaders are also working on other issues. Last week, the South African press reported the possibility of the arrival of the third line of the Bulls, Arno Botha, 30. Still according to our information, he should actually join the Rhone Club. All that is missing is a heel reinforcement to complete the recruitment process: Biarrot will not be Lucas Peyreblanque, who was lured by several of the other 14 clubs a year before the end of his contract, and probably not Toloney Christopher Tolovois. The team trained next season by Xavier Garbajosa has established itself on foreign tracks.

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