Ceylon.  A new project for the Social Living Space Forum

Ceylon. A new project for the Social Living Space Forum

This project, which aims to be as close as possible to the needs of the residents of the region, was presented during a public meeting on Thursday, November 23, in the San Giro Hall, in the presence of about forty people.

A social life space is a place whose mission is to strengthen social ties and solidarity between neighborhoods, through the development of local initiatives, services and activities with social and educational purposes.

The development of this new project was based on three work stages distributed over the course of a year: evaluation of the last four years of operation of the forum’s social life space, regional diagnosis among the population and on the basis of statistical data, and then writing of the project based on the collected materials.

This made it possible to create three new areas of direction and development for the next four years.

The first: moving the territory. In particular, by perpetuating existing proven actions (Association Forum, Blue Week, Youth Festival “Crocodile Smile”, etc.), revitalizing the territory of the Drum Valley through events or projects of social or cultural appeal using local resources, promoting Linking with various local associations, but also supporting residents’ initiatives or structures.

Second: Establishing projects with children and youth, as well as with parents. Given the large presence of families with young children and teenagers in the valley, the Forum would like to direct projects more towards this demographic group to make it a focus in its own right and better understand their needs in order to respond to them in an appropriate manner.

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Third: strengthening solidarity and citizenship in the region. The Forum’s social life space aims to be a place of welcome, exchange, expression, initiatives, familiarity and social connections open to all. He also wants to address the environmental, civic and solidarity shift in his actions.

Please note that in 2024 the Forum will also celebrate its 20th anniversary.

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