Car hack could be coming to Fortnite

Car hack could be coming to Fortnite

Gaston Cooney

Fortnite data miners have revealed that developers are working on a mechanism that will allow users to hack other vehicles.

Epic Games has brought new vehicles to Fortnite with the release of Chapter 5, including partnerships with Lamborghini and Mercedes Benz. These partnerships introduced new forms of transportation to the game compared to the previous season, which relied on shopping carts and golf carts.

Additionally, Fortnite has added a new game mode called Rocket Racing, developed by the creators of Rocket League. This includes new cosmetic items within the game, such as different cars that users can purchase and drive.

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Sticking with the theme of car updates in Fortnite, it appears that the developers have been toying with the idea of ​​allowing players to hack other vehicles for their own benefit in the battle royale.

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According to leaked reports from Loolo_WRLD and BeastFNCreative on Twitter/X, Fortnite is working on a system that will allow players to control other cars in Chapter 5.

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“The player has to connect to a car and can click on the entry to start hacking”“Lulu said. “It can also be canceled by the player, and it will have a cool-down period. The hack may fail if the car goes too fast, makes a sharp turn, or crashes.

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The player can be sent off in the event of a failed breakout, giving the driver an opportunity to counterattack. There is a minimum speed limit so that the attempt will not succeed according to these leaks.

These leaks could change dramatically if/when the feature is added to the game, and Epic Games has not announced any plans to update Fortnite in the near future. If the feature is added, we will keep you updated.

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