Brussels offers a health certificate this summer

Brussels offers a health certificate this summer

Didier Reynders, the Belgian Commissioner responsible for freedom of movement in the European Union, advocates for the creation of a health certificate for the summer.

The European Commission aims to: The health certificate comes into force at the end of June European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, told members of the European Parliament on Tuesday, 13 April that the intention is to facilitate free movement in the European Union (EU) with the aim of the summer vacation.

“We want to be able to start this system at the end of June.”It was announced before the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee. The latter depends on the adoption of the draft regulations during its plenary session from 7 to 10 June, after negotiations with member states on this issue. ‘Green certificate’ Proposed by the committee. It is intended to facilitate travel for Europeans who can demonstrate that they have received the vaccination, passed the negative polymerase chain reaction test, or are immune after infection. So it will avoid restrictive measures (quarantine, testing) in the destination country.

Read also: The European Commission relies on the health certificate to “facilitate freedom of movement”

Data protection, a concern

The regulation defines a harmonized European framework, while some European Union or Schengen area countries have already started preparing this type of certification. The European Commissioner explained that the health certificate will be temporary, until the World Health Organization (WHO) announces the end of the epidemic, while some members of the European Parliament have called for a specific deadline. He also stressed that its use for reasons other than freedom of movement is the responsibility of member states, but that they should do so within a legal framework that respects European law, particularly with regard to personal data.

If certification were to be free for all European citizens, Didier Reynders considered charging a free rate or a ceiling for the tests, as requested by MEP Sophie in’t Veld (Renew), would be an interference in the competence of Member States in the field of public health.

With regard to the protection of personal data, which is a matter of concern to members of the European Parliament, he said that the certification project was forthcoming ‘Limited set of information’And the ‘More reduction’ Only for the vaccination certificate from the World Health Organization. “ The envisioned technical solution (…) It will not require the creation of a central database at the European Union level., He insisted. Within the framework of these certificates, Member States will not only be obligated to accept vaccines authorized at the European level, but are also obligated to accept other vaccines.

The article is reserved for our subscribers Read also Corsica is considering issuing a health passport for tourists

A boost to tourism

Didier Reynders said airlines could check these new health certificates before allowing passengers on vacation this summer. “Airlines can (…) Check the validity of the certificate in a simple way at the time of registration., It is to explain. Long discussions at the boarding gate should be avoided. “

Europe is in the midst of the third wave of the pandemic, and the southern European Union countries, which depend heavily on tourism, are already pushing for a tool to preserve their hotels, restaurants and attractions this summer, so that Belgium, France and Germany remain more skeptical. Didier Reynders argued that the health certificate would not reach A. “Passport to vaccination”Vaccination by itself cannot grant the right to travel freely, as this would discriminate against those who cannot or do not want to be vaccinated.

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Read the opening article: “The idea of ​​a” health passport “is not new, but in the nineteenth century, its purpose was completely different.

Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

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