Bosbach.  Validated several purchases to run Espace Loisirs

Bosbach. Validated several purchases to run Espace Loisirs

During the last board meeting, the elected officials worked on the initial budget and administrative account and approved several purchases for the operation of Espace Loisirs. To replace the two refrigerated cabinets in the Espace Loisirs kitchen, the elected officials agreed to purchase a two-door positive refrigerated cabinet from Unifroid for €5,200 excluding taxes. Laundry dryer for cleaning the Espace Loisirs room is out of order, it is proposed to get a new dryer from Abyss Propreté for € 5,300 excluding VAT.

Local tax rates remain unchanged

The mayor then presented the status of allowances earned by elected officials in 2022 and set local tax rates. are preserved. The housing tax on primary dwellings has been completely abolished in 2023. The rates are as follows: built-up land 30.76%, unbuilt land 62.99% and housing tax 16.09% (secondary dwellings and other furnished buildings not intended for the main dwelling).

The administrative account for fiscal year 2022 is positive. In operation, expenses amounted to 587,621.93 euros and revenues amounted to 847,389.69 euros. In investment, expenditures amounted to €606,751.70 from revenues of €1,040,216.79 and the result will be transferred to the 2023 budget. The preliminary 2023 budget has been approved and approved as follows: investment income and expenditure: €1,051 €245.26; Revenue and operating expenses: 859,900 euros.

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