Boris Johnson faces controversy after posting a photo in May 2020 of violating health rules

Boris Johnson faces controversy after posting a photo in May 2020 of violating health rules

In this photo, the British Prime Minister is seated with more than a dozen people, with wine and cheese, even though residents are forbidden to meet.

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson accused of breaking rules imposed on residents in the face of Covid-19 after publication of the newspaper Watchman, Sunday, December 19, for a photo of him in the garden at 10 Downing Street May 2020. In this photo, the prime minister is surrounded by a dozen collaborators, sharing glasses of wine and cheese. On the photo date, May 15, 2020, moments like this have been banned from social contact in the UK due to very strict physical distancing rules. Meetings between families cannot exceed two people and professional meetings will take place just in case‘Absolute necessity’.

After these discoveries, Downing Street responded that it was a business meeting between various collaborators with the Prime Minister. And the British Prime Minister had already denied, last week, his participation in a festive event on May 15, 2020, at his residence, in the company of about twenty people. The revelations fall badly on Boris Johnson, who is already facing the resignation of Brexit Secretary David Frost, as well as the controversy over a festive gathering said to have been held at 10 Downing Street, but this time around Christmas 2020.

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