black.  Warren Gatland teases Rasi Erasmus (Springbox) for his new role as Water Bearer

black. Warren Gatland teases Rasi Erasmus (Springbox) for his new role as Water Bearer

Contrary to what one might think, Rasi Erasmus' new role is hardly to the liking of Lions coach Warren Gatland.
Contrary to what one might think, Rasi Erasmus’ new role is hardly to the liking of Lions coach Warren Gatland. (icon sport)

It’s an unusual path for Rasi Erasmus. While he had taken Springbox Until the title of world champion in 2019 in Japan, the former South African coach will have a completely different position during the historic test against British and Irish blackThis Saturday, July 24th. In fact, he will be the water carrier for his teammates is college, a role he actually played during a preparatory match for a team Springbox A.

Erasmus is no longer a coach but remains the Boks’ strategist

Since the end of the 2019 World Cup, Rasi Erasmus no longer Springboks Manager. He contracted cancer, and had to hand the reins of the Rainbow State to his deputy نائب Jack Ninabber. Under chemotherapy for the treatment of microscopic vasculitis with granulomatosis, an autoimmune disease, Erasmus took a step back in this area.

However, he continues to oversee the team as the rugby manager for the Springboks men’s and women’s teams. Today, it also serves as a water conveyor Thus she will be able to give some valuable advice to her players on the field, in the downtime.

World Rugby will be watching him closely while Warren Gatland laughs in yellow

This somewhat unusual situation did not fail to annoy the British and Irish Lions coach, WAlthough Galtand. After the match against Springboks “A”On Wednesday, July 14, the New Zealand technician noted the new role of Erasmus:

If you are a water carrier, you need to make sure that you are running in the field to fetch water, and that you are not running empty-handed. My advice is that next time, if he wants to talk to the guys as a water carrier, at least do it with the bottles in each hand.

Warren Gatland Head coach of the British and Irish Lions

Subsequently, Warren Gatland Australian referee advice Nick Berry, In order to click on it and make sure they are ‘on the same page’. The Lions coach also denounced the delay in replacing Brendon Becquerel Across Marius Juncker Video refereeing for this first test against the Springboks. The latter was already the main referee when the Lions lost to South Africa A on July 14.

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For its part, the world body Rugby world Several match officials were asked to keep a close eye on Rasi Erasmus’ future appearance on the field, to see if the latter does not transcend his unusual role as a water carrier.

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