Baby orca dies in New Zealand in search of mother, moves to New Zealand

Baby orca dies in New Zealand in search of mother, moves to New Zealand

For ten days, the whole of New Zealand’s efforts to survive a small killer whale a few months old stranded on the rocks have been suspended

Toa is found in New Zealand waters. A 4-6-month-old male killer whale, 2.5 meters long, made headlines after being stranded on rocks off Wellington on July 11. Sheltered in Plymerton, in a large enclosure designed for her, the Toa has been cured thanks to the Whale Rescue Society and the Department of Conservation.

The animal had not yet been weaned and had to be fed by a hundred volunteers who took turns on its bed every four hours to feed it with a special pacifier, while flights were organized to try to find its mother.

The vets, along with Ingrid Visser, the country’s only New Zealand killer whale doctor, trained Toa to try and teach him to call him, hoping he would hear him out. He comes to save him. All these efforts were transmitted on social networks.

But the condition of Toa – the Maori “warrior” – deteriorated rapidly, and she died last Friday.

Although killer whales are an endangered species, it is not uncommon to see them in Wellington Bay where they catch other fish such as rays.

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