Athens and London secretly discuss the return of the Parthenon friezes

Athens and London secretly discuss the return of the Parthenon friezes

The issue has been sensitive for decades. affiliate Secret talks The return of the Parthenon friezes has been taking place for a year between the head of the British Museum in London, George Osborne, and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Greek daily reported on Saturday 5 December. your nia.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, Greece has formally requested, but without success, the return of a 75-meter-high frieze separate from the Parthenon, as well as one of the famous caryats of the Erechtheion, a small ancient temple also located on the rock of the Acropolis, both masterpieces of the British Museum.

London claims that the statues were “legally acquired” In 1802 by British diplomat Lord Elgin who sold it to the British Museum. But Greece insists it was a target of “Looting” While the country was under Ottoman occupation.

Dialogue began over a year ago

“The backstage meetings have been held in London since November 2021,” According to the newspaper that adds that George Osborne also met with two Greek ministers. The last of these meetings will be held this week in a hotel in the Knightsbridge neighborhood in the center of the British capital.

The former Treasury Secretary is said to have met the Greek Prime Minister, a year after their first secret meeting, while Kyriakos Mitsotakis was in London to promote Greece’s economic interests in Britain.”According to the newspaper.

On Monday, November 28, the Greek Prime Minister participated in an event at the London School of Economics (LSE) and expressed optimism about a solution leading to the reunification of the Parthenon monument in Athens, one of the sites from the fifth century BC. The most visited in the world.

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Caution at all levels

On this occasion, the Greek news agency ANA-MPA reported that Kyriakos Mitsotakis had announced, during a discussion with Kevin Featherstone, Professor of Modern Greek Studies and Director of the Greek Observatory at LSE, that reunification is possible and that he expects progress in this. This issue but did not want to take a public position.

“A mutually beneficial solution is possible, the Parthenon sculptures could be reunited while at the same time taking into account the interests of the British Museum”he added Kyriakos Mitsutake. “I understand that there is a dynamic, knowingly talking about the reunification of the sculptures and not about a comeback.”

According to the Daily newspaper your niaAnd the Insiders report that negotiations between Osborne and the Greek prime minister are ongoing ‘advanced stage’. The newspaper stresses, however, that the agreement has yet to be finalized and that Greek officials have warned “It cannot be ruled out that the discussions will end in a stalemate at the last minute, as is the case in any delicate negotiations.”

“new partnership”

In a press release published on Saturday 3 December, the British Museum claims to want New Partnership with Greece for the Parthenon and to be willing to discuss it with Athena, without giving details.

however, We act according to the law and will not disintegrate our great group that tells a unique story of our common humanity. pointed out. Asked by AFP, the Greek prime minister’s office did not immediately respond.

Head of the British Museum George Osborne, he said to himself, in mid-June was open to an agreement with Athens to share the Parthenon Marbles. “I think it is possible to come to an agreement (they) History in both Athens and London if we deal with this situation without too many preconditions or red lines.”He said on LBC radio.

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In response to a question about the possibility of reaching an agreement on displaying the marbles for a period of time in Greece and then returning them to London, he estimated that “This kind of arrangement.” It will be possibleSomething to see them in all their glory in Athens and to see them in examples from other civilizations in London..

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