ASM: Towards the capture of Juno Gibbs

ASM: Towards the capture of Juno Gibbs

Juno Gibbs is not a man who talks and says nothing. Every word is weighed, carefully. When the technician presented himself to the press backstage at Aimee Geralt on Saturday, the disappointment of his losing match in the final minutes was palpable on his face. His words were also heavy with meaning.

Since the start of the season, Juno Gibbs has asked his players for consistency for more than 80 minutes in order to better manage key moments of the meeting. But the scenario seems to repeat itself over and over again. At Perpignan, his men missed the second half after their first successful run. What bored New Zealanders. And even questioning…

excellent How ASM Canceled Perpignan’s Last Work, This Saturday

“Something is wrong with the preparation and the training. I think there is a problem with the message I give the players. I am in charge and we keep repeating the same mistakes. During the week we said not to give anything to the Perpignan team. And it happened. I don’t want to criticize the players. myself first »

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We can not replace artwork. But what Juno Gibbs was right about was this team’s tendency to shoot in the foot.
Facing Custer, Clermont was gradually lifted after an hour of play to finally lose three minutes from the end (34-30). Saturday certified copy at Aimé-Giral.

Last season already…

At the Stade Français, ASM made a poor second run to admit a logical defeat. As in Aimé-Giral…

During Pau’s reception, Juno Gibbs had to push a hustle first in the first half while his team was leading (13-6) with formation but not at the top of his art.

excellent Camille Lopez (ASM) towards Bayonne, Biarritz President Olympique

But with the risk of moving a knife into the wound, these observations don’t go back to the past few weeks. During the previous exercise, the ASM was already a victim of incredible leaps in focus and commitment in the last moments of meetings. We especially remember the victories that Racing and LOU snatched before the siren.

Is it a driving problem? Does the group fail to take responsibility? Should employees really review their letter? Many questions for few answers. One thing seems certain: Juno Gibbs should change his pace this week.

excellent Perpignan – ASM (26-24): Clermontois . Notebook

“We will put things in place to improve responses at the crucial moments. Certainly…” With this time, reaction is expected on the ground against Biarritz, this Saturday (3pm).

Arnaud Clerge

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