An incredible migration to Europe from Nukumi, the largest white shark seen in the North Atlantic Ocean

An incredible migration to Europe from Nukumi, the largest white shark seen in the North Atlantic Ocean

Beware of those who have planned a single crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. Nokomi, the Queen of the Oceans, might surprise you. This 50s white shark is over 5 meters long and weighing 2 tons, on its way to Europe.

Nukumi was equipped in October 2020 with a GPS beacon, by researchers off the coast of Canada, and it is the largest white shark observed in the North Atlantic Ocean. Since his return to the water, his behavior has surprised scientists. It crossed the American coast, then headed to Europe and is currently in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. This is only the second time a white shark has ventured such a long migration.

According to Stephen Surina, a biologist who specializes in sharks, “This is exceptional.” Even if the biologist fears for the future of the great shark “toutes les zones dans lesquelles elle décide d’aller maintenant, ce sont des zones très dangereuses à cause de la pression de pêche des hommes dans zones-là, qui peuvent tout simplement ôter la vie a ce requin qui a presque plus de 50 Years. ”

So why is this crossing the Atlantic Ocean? There is no doubt escaping predators and giving birth more calmly.

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