According to his former attorney, Michael D.  Cohen, there was talk of Stormy Daniels in the Oval Office.

According to his former attorney, Michael D. Cohen, there was talk of Stormy Daniels in the Oval Office.

Trump impeachment: According to his former lawyer, Michael D.  Cohen, there was talk of Stormy Daniels in the Oval Office (Photo of Michael Cohen taken in front of his Manhattan home to go to court on May 14, 2024).
Timothy A. Clary/AFP Trump impeachment: According to his former lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, there was talk of Stormy Daniels in the Oval Office (Photo of Michael Cohen taken in front of his Manhattan home to go to court on May 14, 2024).

Timothy A. Clary/AFP

Trump impeachment: According to his former lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, there was talk of Stormy Daniels in the Oval Office (Photo of Michael Cohen taken in front of his Manhattan home to go to court on May 14, 2024).

trump card – “ Don't worry, I'm the President of the United States Donald Trump could have said this sentence to Michael Cohen, who was concerned after federal agents raided his home in connection with payments to Stormy Daniels. At least that's what the Republican nominee's former lawyer said when he appeared before the Defense Network on Tuesday, May 14. To try to explain his role in this matter concretely.

according to The New York Timesthe ” Pitbull “, as he is nicknamed, spent part of the morning describing a White House meeting during which he and Donald Trump discussed paying off the $130,000 to silence Stormy Daniels.

She claims she had sexual relations with the real estate mogul in 2006, when he was already married to Melania. This meeting was scheduled to take place in the Oval Office in February 2017.

Fake bills and checks signed by Trump

” Yes “, Michael Cohen replied: Donald Trump was aware of payments made privately to Stormy Daniels, who was then posing as… “legal costs” Accounting for the Trump Organization's family real estate empire.

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As a reminder, Donald Trump is accused of falsifying business records to hide this famous payment. Michael Cohen provided more details about how the scheme was implemented. After paying Stormy Daniels himself through a shell company to buy her silence, he wrote false invoices that he sent to the Trump Organization. In return, he received checks, most of which bore the signature of Donald Trump.

But eventually, Stormy Daniels' story came to light. The former defense attorney then explained how he tried to limit the repercussions by coordinating statements of his own.

“You violated my sense of morality”

When the Wall Street Journal exposed the affair in 2018, Michael Cohen said he paid Stormy Daniels on his own initiative, without informing Donald Trump. Arrested by the courts, and sentenced to three years in prison including 13 months behind bars, the former lawyer turned on his former boss, claiming he acted under his orders.

At the conclusion of his testimony before prosecutors, Michael Cohen said that he did not do that “I regret working for the Trump Organization”but “I violated my moral sense and suffered punishment.”

Six months before the presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the trial has become increasingly politicized: with House Republican Leader Mike Johnson and Vivek Ramaswamy in front of the Manhattan court, for a while. Republican presidential primaries.

In this historic and unprecedented trial of a former American president, the 77-year-old billionaire faces criminal charges in 34 accounting fraud crimes, and theoretically faces a prison sentence. But even if he is convicted and imprisoned, Donald Trump could appear on November 5 to take revenge on Joe Biden.

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