A mysterious and unexplained phenomenon in China: sheep have been running in circles non-stop for 15 days

A mysterious and unexplained phenomenon in China: sheep have been running in circles non-stop for 15 days

A herd of about 100 cattle started walking in a circle on November 4 in China’s Inner Mongolia region and they haven’t stopped since.

Annoying behaviour Beats a herd of one hundred sheep In the Inner Mongolia region of China since November 4.

The cows started running in a circle one after another and didn’t stop. It’s weird The phenomenon will only affect the sheep of one barn of the farm which hosts about 34 flocks.

This evil initially afflicted a few sheep before spreading to dozens who reportedly joined the march in a circle economic times.

Video about this strange behavior

This information, which took so long to come to light, was finally released by the Chinese state-run media outlet People Daily.

a Sheep video The Walk was published on Wednesday, November 16th and it shows The extent of the mystery which remains unexplained at the moment.

disease as a potential forerunner

However, what might be the most likely explanation aside from the wildest theories about it is a the disease which affects ruminants.

Indeed, in case of swallowing listeria monocytogenes, Sheep can develop listeriosis Which causes neurological symptoms. Affected animals develop a Brain inflammation Which is Almost always fatal.

according to breeding alliance, “The animal will initially be prostrate, and may develop hyperthermia at 41-42 degrees, anorexia and blindness. Neurological disorders associated with cerebral localization are manifested in Walk in a circle, balance disorders, strabismus … Damage to the cranial nerves often leads to unilateral facial paralysis with drooping ears, eyelids and jaws; The animal sometimes keeps food hanging from the mouth.

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But naturally Sheep die one to four days after the first symptoms appear.

The mystery remains

But sheep in China would walk for days, and therefore not die.

In addition, the state-run Chinese People’s Daily confirmed that the sheep are in good health.

This phenomenon is still not justified at present.

Great sheep secret! Hundreds of sheep run in a circle for more than 10 days in northern Inner Mongolia in northern China. The sheep are healthy and the cause of the strange behavior remains a mystery. pic.twitter.com/8Jg7yOPmGK

– People’s Daily, China (PDChina) November 16, 2022

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