In Moscow, Russians continue to fan an impromptu memorial to the victims in Ukraine

In Moscow, Russians continue to fan an impromptu memorial to the victims in Ukraine

The Russians, despite the repression, continued to lay flowers at an impromptu memorial to their victims Deadly bombing nine days ago of a building in DniproIn Ukraine, AFP journalists noted on Monday.

Since this strike, which left 46 dead, was attributed to Russian forces by Kyiv, the Russians have come to lay flowers, pictures and letters at the foot of a statue of the Ukrainian poet Lesya Ukrainka in Moscow, thus erecting a temporary memorial to the victims. .

Return to crime despite the arrests

Unidentified people have cleaned the monument several times, and police have made arrests, but the tributes continue.

AFP journalists, who attended the memorial on Monday morning, saw a woman placing flowers in front of a police car, while other bouquets were placed at the foot of the statue.

Testimonials – Recommendations

I express my feelings about this disaster as best I can. I would like to express my sympathy and offer my condolences to those who are currently sufferingAfter bowing and signing, she explained to France Press Elena Ivanova, a 63-year-old mathematician, after depositing her bouquet of yellow tulips. “There is no other choice. It’s the only way to express my protest, after all“, as you say.

Alexander Voloshin, a 40-year-old tour guide, stood in front of the monument for several minutes, taking off his hat. “I follow the information. Once I saw pictures showing flowers being brought to the memorial a week ago I decided to go and the next day I did“, He says. “I really wanted to take pictures and see for myself that Muscovites sympathize and show sympathy. Let there be no memorial in Ukraine dedicated to the victims, to Ukrainians, sympathy for themhe adds.

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noting that “He had a lot of flowers (Saturday) and not so many now“, criticizes the Russian authorities, who”Fight this sympathy against peopleHe says he hasA lot of friendsIn Ukraine that isIt is important for them to know that there is sympathy and that there is some kind of protest against this nightmare“.

Public protests are rare

Public demonstrations against the attack in Ukraine are very rare in Russia, in a context of mass repression. Criticism of the Russian army is punishable by imprisonment in Russia.

According to the NGO OVD-Info, nearly 20,000 people have been arrested in Russia during anti-intervention rallies in Ukraine since it was launched on February 24, 2022.

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