▷ Summer Festival – Passion – The Two Clangsteele

▷ Summer Festival – Passion – The Two Clangsteele

Published 31 July 2023, Ebingen

August 1, 2023, Tuesday, The Two of Clangsteele – Dieter Sheth / Markus Weber

With Moses, the light against oblivion. 1920s and 1930s. Honored with Dr. Markus Weber and Dieter Schitt.

1920s and 1930s. What a time: the decadence of the Charleston generation, crumbling prosperity, rising poverty, populists, and xenophobia. A time eerily similar to our own. A period between two world wars, between the Empire and the Weimar Republic and the dictatorship. But it was also a time of dazzling entertainment. The songs of this time still bear witness to this era until today. Enjoy an evening filled with melodies and songs that you will enjoy listening to again and again, embedded in the backdrop of the era and filled with the literary treasures of Ringelnatz, Tucholsky and Erich Kastner – authors of Burnt Books and Degenerate Art. The musical range extends from harmless eroticism (“I Saw Miss Helen Bathing”) to femme fatale (“Why Women Shouldn’t Have an Affair”). It is not a recitation of a song as one might imagine, but a musical journey through time, a completely different scientific cabaret: our quotations are the lyrics and songs of this dazzling time on the powder keg, a time marked by transformations, from the transition of democracy to dictatorship, from peaceful coexistence to racial exclusion, and from Liberal arts to spell art. The songs reflect the shiny surface of time, and the moderation ensures historical depth and chills. With Light Against Oblivion: An Evening Full of Joy and Sadness – A Musical Stumbling Block.

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