You can now chat with Albert Einstein thanks to the artificial intelligence

You can now chat with Albert Einstein thanks to the artificial intelligence

The latest virtual companions created by UneeQ, Which is an Austin-based New Zealand company that specializes in “digital humans”, and includes Albert Einstein’s chatbot. The launch was to be held to mark the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize in Physics. You can talk to Einstein through UneeQ and he will get back to you in his own way. According to its website, UneeQ’s mission is to revolutionize the customer experience with ambassadors equipped with artificial intelligence. The German physicist isn’t the only person users can chat with on the company’s website.

Buddy UneeQ also includes a Covid-19 health advisor named Sophie and a copy from Daniel Calte, chief economist at UBS, the Swiss bank. Danny Tomsett, CEO, OneeQ said statement Digital Einstein can communicate with people naturally using conversation, human expressions, and emotional responses to provide the best everyday interactions that we hope will make a difference in people’s lives.

Here’s how to position these robot buddies.

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Digital Einstein

The AI ​​experiment was created in collaboration with The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Greenlight, which gave Albert Einstein’s image, including his voice, image, and morals, according to Uneeq. You can chat with the scientist on a variety of topics through his daily quiz, or discuss his life’s work and research. Insider asked him a range of questions, including whether the Earth is flat. “Of course the Earth is not flat,” he replied. “Don’t be silly.”

We were also curious about taking Covid-19 vaccines, but his response was elusive: “Hopefully sooner or later we will lead a normal life. Be careful, stay healthy, and embrace your loved ones. As much as possible,” he said. He naturally spoke formally of relativity, but was unable to answer deeper questions about how he believed history had judged him. He simply replied, “Sorry, I didn’t understand what you said.”


Sophie launched in April 2020, and is a product of our time. The Digital Companion was created to speak with users about the most frequently asked questions about Covid-19. The company said it used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization to launch Sophie as a public health advisor. It is able to keep users informed of the latest epidemic news, while providing real-time advice on how to stay safe, based on reliable news sources.

Users can speak with Sophie in almost any language, as she is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, Danish and Japanese. When it comes to her personality, Sophie is built to be compassionate, friendly, and non-judgmental.

Daniel Calte

Uneeq features a bunch of companions that I have built for large companies. Among these is UBS Chief Economist Daniel Calte’s digital analog. Its automated chat software was developed for the banking branch in Switzerland to help people find the important banking and financial information they need.

According to the company, Daniel Kalt is able to leverage a wealth of data about UBS ‘financial forecasting and bring insights to high net worth clients “face to face”. Like Sophie, he’s available any time of the day to have a personal conversation with users.

Useful advisors or friends for sunny days?

The potential of this type of technology is clear, but it is not certain, at this point, that “digital humans” can fully meet our expectations. The world is facing an undeniable mental health crisis, including a dramatic increase in anxiety and depression.

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It is unlikely that companions powered by artificial intelligence are a substitute for adequate treatment for serious mental health problems. But they can nonetheless bring a little joy and joy to those facing prolonged isolation during the ongoing pandemic.

An original copy : Zahra Tayeb / Insider

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