“Yes to transgender athletes. New rules soon”

“Yes to transgender athletes. New rules soon”

Tokyo 2020, this is it: “Yes to transgender athletes. New rules soon.” On Saturday, it was Hubbard’s turn

The International Olympic Committee takes a position on the inclusion of transgender athletes. We will try to define a framework that can help international federations address the issue of transgender athletes in their respective sports.. It varies from sport to sport, and sometimes there are also differences from one discipline to another, and in certain situations, even between one event and another., confirmed Christian Clau Director of Communications and Public Affairs at the International Olympic Committee, during a roundtable on the topic during the Tokyo Olympics, where a transgender woman, a New Zealander, will participate for the first time Lauren Hubbard, Weightlifter, 43, born Gavin Hubbard.

Saturday will be Hubbard’s turn and in the meantime ashley abbott, From the New Zealand Olympic Committee brought Hubbard’s thanks to the International Olympic Committee, “”For its commitment to making sport inclusive and accessible“.for Mark Cooper, Head of Communications for the International Weightlifting Federation, which combines inclusion and equity”It is a very complex issue: we understand it more and more every moment. It is important for each international association to approach this issue with caution. still: “The IOC won’t be able to adopt a single rule that cuts across all sports, and that’s the conclusion we’ve seen here – he added -. And not every issue will be resolved when this framework of rules is made public. This is an issue that needs to be addressed. And it will really take a lot of work for all of us to find the right solution for every sport, discipline and event.”

The future of transgender athletes in games anyway”It is a topic in constant development. It will not be completed when there is new legislation Clau confirms. Science will reveal next steps even after we have adopted the regulatory framework, And maybe a decade later we’ll look back and say, “Ah, what an interesting situation.” Richard Budget, Director of the Medical and Scientific Department of the International Olympic Committee, also spoke on this topic: “Emphasize the importance of remembering that transgender women are women. Thus, in the spirit of including sport, if possible, it should be included. And only if there is evidence of genuine concern about a potential unequal performance advantage for these people, should the eligibility rules change.“. International Olympic Committee – he completed – Determined to increase inclusion in sports, but at the same time the absolute highest priority is justice And the existing rules and guidelines that have been developed are in fact a balance between safety, inclusiveness and fairness.”

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