Women and science: the statistics are alarming in Guinea - © Guinéenews

Women and science: the statistics are alarming in Guinea – © Guinéenews

The fields of science, technology and engineering are mainly occupied by men. The proportion of girls and women in these sectors is very low. According to a study conducted by the Bureau of Strategy and Development (BSD) of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, between 2019 and 2020, only 28.5% of girls studied in superior educational institutions. Of these, 22.6% work in science and technology.

During the same period, women with a post-baccalaureate level accounted for less than 10%. Those who obtained Ph.D. represented only 5% and 8% for Masters. At the level of academic degrees, the proportion of female professors is 9%, lecturers (12%), assistant professors (8%) and assistant professors (8%).

This low representation, according to former Minister of Education, Hajja Aisha Bah, is due to social questions: “What is needed to strengthen girls? It depends on the family. It is a question of socialization and it must start from the bottom. Parents should educate girls and boys in the same way. and tell them they have the same potential. They will grow up with her and won’t have any complexes anymore. Same thing when he arrives in kindergarten. I played soccer, basketball, and tennis. Why did I do this? It’s because my parents told me I could do anything.”

To spark the girls’ interest in mathematics, chemistry and physics, Hadja Aisha Bah recalls the approach she used when she was in high school in Lappi: “I was studying in Lappi. One day when I entered the class to explain [le cours]The girls said they don’t do well in math, chemistry and physics. I asked them if they had cooked. They told me yes. I said it’s physics and chemistry. I told them they mix things up and have a good sauce. This is chemistry. This is physics too, because everything you put on the left you find on the right. This is how Laby’s girls got involved in science. So girls should know that they have the same potential as boys. »

To encourage girls and women to take an interest in scientific and technical courses, the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation awards prizes to female students, teachers, researchers and researchers who have distinguished themselves during the year in these fields. On the occasion of the sixth edition, 11 girls from four universities in the country were honored on February 11, 2022.

“This award is specifically committed to creating a simulation of reaching and retaining young girls and women in STEM fields,” said Dr. Diaka Sidibe, Minister of Higher Education.

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