Woman banned from zoo for unhealthy relationship with chimpanzees

Woman banned from zoo for unhealthy relationship with chimpanzees

For 4 years, Adie Timmermans had a special relationship with Chita, a male chimpanzee at the Antwerp Zoo, in Belgium.

“This monster loves me and I love him.” This confirms Addie Timmermansbelgian woman local media. She has been visiting Antwerp Zoo for four years. And if she likes to walk along the various alleys of the park with her husband, then she stops every time at the level of the primate enclosure.

He is, i found chitaA male chimpanzee in the zoo. He is 38 years old.Says about Adie Timmermans the one you love Much. “I have a very special relationship with this monkey.” In fact, when Chita sees Adi, he hurries to come to her. Monday make a mark through the glass and Kiss, still behind the crystal barrier.

Chita has been sidelined by other chimpanzees because of her relationship with Adi

Unfortunately for Adie Timmermans, Antwerp Zoo today prevents him from contacting Chita, “In the interest of the animal”. Zoo curator Sarah Laffot trusts it chita is marginalized by other primates. “When Chita is constantly surrounded by visitors, other animals ignore him and don’t see him as part of the group.” In fact, Sarah Laffot explains that when an animal is too human-centered, it becomes so Less respected by peers.

Addie Timmermans, she doesn’t really understand the zoo’s decision. “I’m not doing anything wrong”She is crying. Especially since she is not the only visitor who is interested in Cheetah. If this separation upset the Belgian woman, it would be carried out primarily for the welfare of the animal. Hoping that chita can blend in again with other chimpanzees in their enclosures…

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