With a 93/100, how does FF7 Rebirth manage to be so good?  Her manager has the answer

With a 93/100, how does FF7 Rebirth manage to be so good? Her manager has the answer

Game news With a 93/100, how does FF7 Rebirth manage to be so good? Her manager has the answer

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth tests have been released and the global press has agreed that it is a very wonderful game. What if the secret to this success comes from a very simple element?

A love letter to FF7

It won't be long until you can get your hands on Square Enix's highly anticipated Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. From February 29, you will be able to join Cloud and his friends, if you have a PlayStation 5 of course.

Even though we know the ins and outs of the original software, we approach and explore FF7 Rebirth with great excitement fueled by the suspicion that we are suddenly witnessing a surprise from the developers. In our testing, we said that the game's gameplay was very effective, that the pacing was better managed and that the setting was enough to awaken a full range of emotions. In conclusion, we wrote:With Rebirth, Final Fantasy may have found the perfect formula for telling us a story, while leaving us free to experience it at our own pace. As in any rebirth, there is a before and after, and this emerging future already promises to be an exhilarating one as Final Fantasy VII Rebirth already has all the qualities to be considered the final game in the saga.We're not the only ones who loved the title, as its Metacritic average is 93/100 at the time of writing, which is particularly impressive.

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Watch Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on Amazon

Alchemy instead of magic

These beautiful comments and these enthusiastic opinions reminded some of the words of Naoki Hamaguchi, director of FF7 Remake. Indeed, in October 2023, the creator spoke in Bloomberg. When asked how Rebirth could only take four years of development despite its rich content, when it is not uncommon to see AAA productions lasting for more than six years, Hamaguchi revealed his secret: Chemistry within the team. “Between 80 and 90% of the Final Fantasy VII Remake development team remained behind to revive Final Fantasy VII, allowing for more efficient development, even during the height of the pandemic.“The article reads.”We had a clear idea of ​​who to contact if we had a question or problem to solve, and we were able to work together as a team and achieve a very smooth pace of game development“, adds Hamaguchi in the same article. This may give pause to video game giants who prefer short contracts.

About reviving Final Fantasy VII


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