Will Air New Zealand, Emirates and Qatar fly to Argentina again in 2022?  Experts.com

Will Air New Zealand, Emirates and Qatar fly to Argentina again in 2022? Experts.com

At the moment, three of the world’s leading airlines, among the most internationally awarded companies for service, quality, safety and punctuality, are still far from setting foot on Argentine soil. For various reasons, many in common, Air New Zealand, Emirates and Qatar, there are many doubts about whether they will fly to Argentina again in 2022.

In the case of Air New Zealand, the answer is no, and the reasons are more than obvious. New Zealand keeps its borders closed and does not allow entry to foreigners, with a few exceptions.

Air New Zealand was key to traveling not only to New Zealand but also to Australia, and it was an interesting option for getting into the Middle East. But also with Australia with its borders practically closed, with few exceptions, a short-term return for the company is not possible.

Like other airlines, the current economic situation in Argentina with the devaluation of the peso, little possibility of buying dollars and the ban on buying tickets in installments for international tickets established by the government of President Alberto Fernandez, further complicates the picture.

An Air New Zealand comeback is unexpected in the short/medium term, although we all miss it. (including our publishers).

Will Emirates and Qatar fly to Argentina again in 2022?

During the current Dubai fair, the UAE authorities met with the Director of Tourism Promotion at the National Institute for Tourism Promotion (Inprotur), Hernan Fanoli, who expressed his desire to restore operations in 2022 departing from Buenos Aires to Dubai, after a large-scale in Brazil.

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At the moment, Qatar has not made any announcements, although since last year it has been selling codeshare flights with Iberia, making the Buenos Aires-Madrid division with the Spanish airline and then continuing its flights with Qatar.

But in the face of the 2022 World Cup, perhaps things will be revised.

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