Why did the Pope risk anger at Hungary?

Why did the Pope risk anger at Hungary?

to analyze – Pope Francis allowed Hungary seven hours, depriving it of the status of the official visit that it had nonetheless granted to Slovakia.

Master strike or sword strike in the water? Pope Francis’ trip to Hungary and Slovakia This ends Wednesday. He will leave a strange memory in the long series of the 171 international papal journeys since Paul VI. Never in the memory of the Vatican did he notice such a disparity of treatment between two countries: Francis allowed seven hours to Hungary, and refused the status of the official visit he had nonetheless granted to Slovakia for the 72 hours of its existence.

What does this gesture mean? It is based on an objective fact that has now been verified: This Pope hates right-wing nationalist politics. that of Viktor Orban, Hungarian Prime Minister, in particular. When the Pope visited Cuba in September 2015, Fidel Castro addressed, with great respect, Fidel Castro, who was an outright persecutor of human rights and the Church. Francois even went to Castro’s house by himself! The same soft eyes of China today. This Jesuit pope dreams of going there.

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