White House Employs Most Women, Narrows Pay Gap

White House Employs Most Women, Narrows Pay Gap

Americans will soon be able to choose for themselves the gender that will appear in their passports, and among the options there will be ” gender marker for heterosexual and intersex persons”, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced on Wednesday أعلن

« We will update our procedures to allow passport applicants to select their gender as “M” or “F” themselves and will no longer require a medical certificate if the gender chosen by the applicant does not match the gender on their other identification documents‘,” wrote Mr. Blinken, adding that the State Department Currently rated The best way to allow Americans who do not identify as male or female to identify themselves is on passports and Consular Foreign Birth Reports (CRBAs).

Blinken noted that adding a new gender indicator ” Technologically complex and will take time for major system updates. ” according to nineteenthNon-binary Americans will be able to get a temporary “X” on their passports by the end of the year.

LGBT rights groups welcomed the announcement: “ Improving access to accurate passports will have a profound impact on the lives of transgender, bisexual and non-binary people across the country.Arlie Christian, a campaign strategist for the American Civil Liberties Union, who has pushed the administration to create a gender-neutral label on federal identity cards, said. « People will now be able to fill out a passport application and indicate an M, F or X – whichever suits them best. Trans, non-binary, and intersex people know who they are, and we need recognition for who we are, not permission. But the work does not stop there. We will continue to work with the administration to ensure we see these important changes in gender change policies across all federal agencies.. »

« The fact that StateDept understands the importance of inclusive gender markers sends a powerful message to LGBT people around the world‘, Tweet No to the Human Rights Campaign. « We look forward to every federal agency taking similar action«.

As noted nineteenth, 20 states and Washington, D.C., already allow residents to identify themselves on ID cards with a neutral “X,” creating a contrast between how their gender is identified on state IDs and the federal method.

According to the National Center for Gender Equality, only 11% of transgender Americans have all of their ID cards with the correct name and gender, while one in three have experienced verbal harassment, assault, denial of service, or been asked to leave their ID. .

« President Biden continues to deliver on promises on important issues facing transgender AmericansNCTE CEO Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen said in a statement. ” With today’s announcements, the federal government is taking important steps to ensure that transgender Americans can fully participate in their communities and in public life. »

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