“When NGOs reveal their true nature after the October 7 massacres in Israel”

“When NGOs reveal their true nature after the October 7 massacres in Israel”

Tribune – While a certain number of NGOs have refused to describe the barbaric acts committed by Hamas as “terrorism”, a duty of transparency is required regarding the sources of their funding and motives, say members of the general discussion “Haqq and others”.

In an interview published in the point Last October 12, François Zimray, the former French Ambassador for Human Rights, denounced, in relation to the massacres of October 7 and 8, the refusal, even by their silence, of non-governmental organizations that devoted themselves to defending human rights. for “ He described these astonishing atrocities as terrorism We would have liked them to describe in their annual reports the virulent anti-Semitism that has been spreading for decades in the media in a large part of the Arab-Islamic world and which generates hatred… and they would have viewed these facts as they are. :Human rights violations ». We share this criticism.

NGOs were characterized by complacency

Let us remember that many NGOs refused to describe as barbaric acts the massacre of entire families in their homes and the killing of young people gathered to celebrate peace. Many refuse to draw the necessary conclusions from including Hamas on the list of organizations.

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