WhatsApp has a new secret button

WhatsApp has a new secret button

You may not have noticed it, but WhatsApp has just added a super-secret little button to its app. The least we can say is that using messaging on a daily basis should be greatly simplified!

WhatsApp is constantly receiving new features being rolled out on a regular basis. Whether it’s new features or small tweaks to the interface, Meta Instant Messaging is constantly evolving. So much so that sometimes you no longer know where to turn! Some changes are so subtle that you might miss them. This may be the case with that little gray arrow, located below your profile picture in the “You” section – depending on how the app interface looks on your smartphone, it may also be green and located next to your profile, in Settings. With the gradual rollout since the end of October, it finally seems to be accessible to as many people as possible and provides functionality that has been long-awaited by the vast majority of users! But then, what is its purpose?

Using this arrow you can switch to another WhatsApp account or add an additional account on your device. This is especially useful if you have two WhatsApp accounts, one personal and one professional. Previously, you had to use WhatsApp for one account and WhatsApp Business for the second, or duplicate the app. In short, it was far from practical!

With the new messaging function, the menu allows you to configure multiple WhatsApp accounts on the same mobile phone, in the same application, the data of which is stored on your device until you decide to log out. Practical for maintaining your privacy, managing notifications efficiently and switching from one account to another without having to use a parallel application!

But please note some clarifications! Although the function is called Multiple Accounts, currently you can only add one more account. In addition, you must use a second phone line (with its own phone number and SIM card) and a smartphone that supports dual SIM to be able to create this second account. This line will be used to receive the one-time access code that WhatsApp will send to you via SMS. Only after this initial check will the application continue to work for both accounts, without having to log out and log in again every time.

If so, to create this second account, all you have to do is open the “You” page or go to the WhatsApp settings via the accessible menu (behind the three little dots) and press the famous little arrow located to the right of your name in the pane that opens At the bottom of the screen, select Add Account and follow the instructions that appear. Note that you can manage privacy and notification settings for each account separately. In short, it’s a very practical feature, and it’s about time it arrived!

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