What you need to know about Super Tuesday, the most important meeting of the Republican and Democratic primaries

What you need to know about Super Tuesday, the most important meeting of the Republican and Democratic primaries


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Donald Trump faces Nikki Haley in the Republican presidential primary.  Among Democrats, Joe Biden is the most likely candidate.  (Heloise Group / France Info)

American voters are invited to vote in about fifteen states to nominate each party's candidate for the presidential elections. France Info summarizes for you the issues of this crucial voting day in the nomination race.

Who will be the Democratic nominee and who will be the Republican nominee for the US presidential election? Super Tuesday is supposed to provide an overview of the fencing that will take place in the fall in the United States. Voters from approximately fifteen states are invited to participate in the two party primaries during this key voting day of Tuesday, March 5. How the vote will take place, the issues at stake in one camp or the other… France Info explains everything you need to know about this major traditional electoral event.

Voting day in 15 states

As is the case every four years, the most important presidential primary meeting falls on Tuesday. In 2024, Super Tuesday will allow voters in fifteen states to nominate the candidate they prefer, whether Democratic or conservative. Elections will be held in Alabama, Alaska (Republican Party only), Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia.

On the Democratic side, American Samoa will also vote on Tuesday. The party will also announce the results of the Iowa caucuses on this date, the political news site reports TheHill.com. In this Midwestern state, voting this year was held in two phases: the in-person election on Jan. 15 and the two-week postal vote.

Hundreds of delegates are at stake

If the Super Tuesday results are closely followed, it is also because of the number of delegates that will be allocated to the candidates. During this voting day. To be nominated as his party's nominee, a candidate for the nomination must receive a certain number of votes during the national conventions to be held in July (for Republicans) and in August (for Democrats).

Among Conservatives, the threshold to be reached this year is 1,215 votes. About 854 delegates will be allocated on Super Tuesday alone, or 36% of the total, according to reports. Washington Post. Democrats are scheduled to award 1,420 delegates on Tuesday out of the 1,969 delegates needed to officially nominate them as a candidate. A total of 3,936 votes will be distributed during the presidential party primaries.

There is no problem among Democrats

In the United States, primaries generally do not generate much excitement when the outgoing president is nominated to succeed him. This year is no exception. “The Democratic Party’s choice was to leave with Joe Biden.”“, explains Ludivine Gilly, PhD. He is confronted by Marianne Williamson, the author of personal development books close to Oprah Winfrey and already nominated for 2020, who details The New York Times. Dean Phillips, a moderate Democrat from Minnesota who has served in the House since 2018, also entered the race, hoping the party would choose a younger candidate.

Joe Biden during a Democratic primary rally for the US presidential election, February 4, 2024, in Las Vegas (Nevada).  (Sol Loeb/AFP)

The advanced age of Joe Biden, who will be 81 years old at the time of voting, has not prevented him from crushing the competition so far. The president received 95% of the vote in South Carolina and 80% in Michigan. Therefore, “Super Tuesday” must be a formality for the president, as between 65 and 80% of voting intentions are attributed to him in opinion polls recorded by the specialized site. Thirty-five eight.

Little excitement among Republicans

In the conservative camp, too, the outcome of the primaries seems a foregone conclusion. Frontrunner Donald Trump only has one opponent left in the race: Nikki Haley, a moderate Republican and former governor of South Carolina. All other candidates surrendered in the first weeks of the primaries, in the face of the former president's significant victories in the states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Donald Trump's lead over his rival is significant: he came in first in every poll except Washington, DC. The votes of 273 delegates had already been counted on Monday, March 4, compared to 43 for Nikki Haley, the agency reported. AP. At the dawn of Super Tuesday, the billionaire also received more than 75% of voting intentions, according to Thirty-five eight.

US Republican presidential primary candidates Nikki Haley and Donald Trump during campaign rallies in Greenwood and Conway (South Carolina), February 10, 2024. (AP / SIPA)

Former Governor of South Carolina “It has no realistic chance of reversing the trend.”According to estimates by Françoise Coste, Jean Jaurès, professor of American studies at the University of Toulouse. This series of failures even cost him the support of his major donors, the Koch brothers. “If they give it up, it's because they get it [la campagne de Nikki Haley] “It was a lost cause.”Françoise Coste confirms.

So far, Donald Trump's rival has refused to withdraw her candidacy, and presents herself as the last alternative to the former president. Is this a strategy to position itself as “Plan B” If Donald Trump is convicted in one of the many trials that await him between now and the presidential election in November? Or a way to gain reputation in preparation for the upcoming presidential elections in 2028? Until then, Nikki Haley may give in to capitulation this week, if Super Tuesday results confirm Donald Trump's favored status.

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