What if Angela Merkel was still chancellor at Christmas?

What if Angela Merkel was still chancellor at Christmas?

Angela Merkel at the 50th anniversary of the creation of the NGO Greenpeace, in Stralsund (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), August 30.

With the German legislative elections approaching on September 26, the scientist Keeps campaign log. Daily update, with campaign facts, photos, polls, clips, slogans, numbers and keywords that allow you to follow and experience this electoral competition that will leave Angela Merkel power at its end, after sixteen years in the Chancellery.

The prediction was signed by Dietmar Bartsch, co-chair of the Die Linke group in the Bundestag: “In my opinion, Angela Merkel will remain chancellor at Christmas”And The MP said on the Phoenix Parliamentary Channel. According to him, the negotiations to form a coalition of will “It lasts a long time because no party is likely to reach 30% this time.”

Dietmar Bartsch’s comments were widely reported on Wednesday on German news sites. It undoubtedly aligns with what more and more observers are expecting, given the evolution of opinion polls. That is, the period that opens after September 26 may be as uncertain as the outcome of the poll as it appears to be taking shape.

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With three political forces today around the neck and neck of about 20% of the vote (the Social Democrats from the SPD, the conservatives from the CDU and the Christian Social Union and the Green Party), the German electoral landscape was in fact also not fragmented three weeks before the elections Legislative. The result: the prospect of a “two-person” alliance, a traditional case in Germany, is becoming more and more unlikely.

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In light of voting intentions, several formations are envisaged. Their names correspond to the colors associated with different political parties:

– The Traffic Light coalition (“Ampel-Koalition”), with the SPD, the FDP (Liberal Democratic Party) and the Green Party.

– The Jamaican Coalition (“Jamaica-Coalition”), bringing together the Christian Democratic Union, the Green Party and the Free Democratic Party. After the 2017 legislative elections, Angela Merkel tried to form such an alliance. But the FDP ended it after a few weeks The chancellor turned to the Social Democrats of the Social Democrats, with whom she had already governed for four years, to propose that they form a new grand coalition.

Christian Lindner, head of the Liberal Democratic Party (FDP), ends negotiations with CDU-CSU and the Greens to form a coalition government, on November 19, 2017, in Berlin.

Kenya’s alliance with the Conservatives, the Social Democratic Party and the Green Party.

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