“What are we waiting for” by Espace Jean Villar Arquell Friday 3 September 2021
Debate Show #7: “What are we waiting for?” Espace Jean Villard, 3 September 2021, Arcueil.
Debate No. 7: “What are we waiting for?”
Espace Jan Villar, Friday 3 September at 8:00 p.m.
** Discussion of the seventh screening of the movie What are we waiting for? By Marie Monique Robin ** ————————————————————————————– ### ** Friday, September 3, 2021 at 8:00 pm At Espace Municipal Jean Vilar ** The evening was initially scheduled for March 2020 and then December 2020 (the health crisis passed there!) – Subject to the health card!!! ** Suggested by Regards en Transition ** The first objective of this evening is to recall the exemplary transitional initiative carried out by the village of Ungersheim and beautifully drawn by Marie Monique Robin. In addition, this evening also aims to highlight the Transition Pact process, an approach initiated at the national level so that candidates for municipal elections in 2020 take into account measures that allow their lands to participate in this essential process. On this occasion, we welcome Jean-Baptiste Joppard, member of the Arcueil Group of the Relocation Agreement to Relocate. The majority elected since June 2020 in Beaver Valley municipalities are welcome to discover or rediscover this film and to take advantage of the transition charter procedures. Cette soirée est soutenue par l’Espace Municipal Jean Vilar, la Revue S!LENCE et l’Agenda Collaboratif de la Vallée de la Bièvre (partenaires du groupe Regards en Transition) ### **Le Film : Qu’est-ce qu ‘we wait ? By Marie Monique Robin ** 2016 – 1h59 ** Summary **: Who would believe that the international champion of cities in transition is a small French town? However, it is Rob Hopkins, founder of the cities in transition movement, who says so. What are we waiting for? It tells how a small Alsace town of 2,200 people embarked on the process of transition to the post-oil era by deciding to reduce its environmental footprint. [[https://vimeo.com/183460957](https://vimeo.com/183460957)](https://vimeo.com/183460957) ### ** Greetings On Transition ** Greetings On Transition is a group of citizens born in the spring of 2018 that aims to promote To “transition” towards a united and resilient collective future. By relying on the creation of a regular program of screenings followed by discussions at the Jean Villard Cinema in Arcueil, this group seeks to inform, educate and encourage action. It provides examples of local transformation approaches to better prepare for the major environmental, economic and human challenges facing our societies. By choosing a unifying environmental, social and vision, the group will seek to promote local alternatives to the territory and assist in its development. [Regards en Transition](https://agendavalleedelabievre.jimdofree.com/les-alternatives-locales/regards-en-transition/) ### ** Pact for Transition ** The local level is essential for an environmental, social, democratic and municipal transition The March 2020 elections will be a key moment to encourage This move across France. That’s why we designed Pact for Transition, 32 concrete actions to build more ecological and fairer municipalities. Our goal is to inspire and support local residents and candidates who want to work on changing our municipalities. The Charter’s 32 actions were formulated by 60 organisations, extensive citizen consultation and a panel of experts. They shall be accompanied, in particular, by technical statements, including comments received from municipalities that have already implemented the procedures. Then, in each municipality, residents set their priorities and educate their candidates. Candidates who wish to join the dynamic can sign the transition charter. Committed residents will then be able to follow up and support municipalities in implementing the commitments made, throughout their tenure in office. [[https://www.pacte-transition.org](https://www.pacte-transition.org)](https://www.pacte-transition.org) [[https://www.pacte-transition.org/#@pacteLocalDeLaTransitionArcueil94](https://www.pacte-transition.org/#@pacteLocalDeLaTransitionArcueil94)](https://www.pacte-transition.org/#@pacteLocalDeLaTransitionArcueil94) ### ** Espace Jean Villar ** L’Espace Municipality Jan Villar is a multidisciplinary place equipped with two rooms to welcome you. The rich and varied program welcomes you during film screenings, concerts, theatrical performances, dance and storytelling, puppetry, exhibition conferences, cinema snacks, festivals … More information: [[https://www.arcueil.fr/espace-jean-vilar/](https://www.arcueil.fr/espace-jean-vilar/)](https://www.arcueil.fr/espace-jean-vilar/) ### ** Revue S! LENCE ** explorer d “Alternatives S! Lence” is a monthly environmental magazine, run by an association independent of any movement or party, and has been published since 1982. It deals with topics related to the environment (energy, agriculture, pollution, health, etc.) and to society (feminism). , nonviolence, North-South relations, de-growth, etc.), in favor of a transversal approach. These topics are discussed each month in an accessible manner, offering alternatives. More information: [[http://www.revuesilence.net/](http://www.revuesilence.net/)](http://www.revuesilence.net/) ### ** Beaver Valley Collaborative Agenda ** The Joint Platform for Alternatives in the Beaver Valley Objectives to connect and highlight the alternatives being developed in Bièvre Valley (Arcueil, Bagneux, Cachan, Gentilly, L’Ha-les-Roses, Kremlin-Bicêtre, Villejuif, Igny, etc…) to support the creation of a corresponding area. The Collaborative Agenda tool makes it possible to promote events by alternatives who would like to be part of this approach and give them greater visibility to the public. [[https://agendavalleedelabievre.jimdo.com/](https://agendavalleedelabievre.jimdo.com/)](https://agendavalleedelabievre.jimdo.com/)
Entry to the cinema is subject to a health card
Introduction of Greetings in Moving
Espace Jean Vilar 1 rue Paul Signac – 94110 Arcueil Arcueil Val-de-Marne
Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour):
2021-09-03T20:00:00 2021-09-03T23:00:00
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”