weather forecast.  It may rain for a month in 24 hours around Lyon on Monday

weather forecast. It may rain for a month in 24 hours around Lyon on Monday

The equivalent of a month of rain could fall in 24 hours in Lyon and surrounding areas, Monday, May 10, 2021, while a major rainy season is expected.
The equivalent of a month of rain could fall in 24 hours in Lyon and surrounding areas, Monday, May 10, 2021, while a major rainy season is expected. (© Illustration / Adobe Stock)

After touching pleasant temperatures Lyon (RuneOn this weekend (25 ° C on Saturday, around 26 ° C on Sunday), the weather will deteriorate significantly from Monday May 10, 2021.

He warns that permanent stormy rains are expected and exceptional rain may occur Lyon Meteo Channel.

Up to 100 mm of precipitation

Accretions of 60 to 80 mm will decrease on Mondays, sometimes as high as 100 mm in places. The last episodes of rain of this size date back to October 2014 and September 2010 according to Lyon Météo.

In 24 hours, in Lyon and surrounding areas it can fall in the equivalent of a month of rain. Flooding is possible in some areas.

On this Sunday, May 9, 2021, the Rhone River was already on yellow alert to strong winds and thunderstorms. In the afternoon, Bless the gold head De Leon was evacuated and closed due to the upcoming weather.


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