“We must have the best in this field”

“We must have the best in this field”

TheLaurent Labette’s agenda is not governed by chance. If the coach in charge of attacking animation for France’s 15th tournament went to Bordeaux-Bigles, Toulouse and Pau last week, accompanied by South African Blues advisor for the match on foot, it’s because five of the six players who play in the scrum position and the opening half-players play in These clubs (1). A few days before the November Tour rally (Argentina on November 6, Georgia on 14 and New Zealand on the 20th), the technician came to speak to key elements of Blues strategy.

“During the 2023 World Cup, we have to be on the same starting line as the other teams”

Does passing between international and 1st require 14 updates to use the soccer game?

Yes really. That’s why we go to clubs. After discussing it with the players, they felt like they were starting from scratch when they arrived at the pick. We don’t want that in particular. Without tainting them in their club game plan, we must quickly bring them back into the international context. Especially toy makers.. they shouldn’t wait for them to arrive…

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